@EdWorkingPaper{ai21-491, title = "Heterogeneity in High School Career and Technical Education Outcomes", author = "Walter G. Ecton, Shaun M. Dougherty", institution = "Annenberg Institute at Brown University", number = "492", year = "2021", month = "November", URL = "http://www.edworkingpapers.com/ai21-492", abstract = {High school Career and Technical Education (CTE) has received an increase in attention from both policymakers and researchers in recent years. This study fills a needed gap in the growing research base by examining heterogeneity within the wide range of programs falling under the broader CTE umbrella, and highlights the need for greater nuance in research and policy conversations that often consider CTE as monolithic. Examining multiple possible outcomes, including earnings, postsecondary education, and poverty avoidance, we find substantial differences in outcomes for students in fields as diverse as healthcare, IT, and construction. We also highlight heterogeneity for student populations historically overrepresented in CTE, and find large differences in outcomes for CTE students, particularly by gender.}, }