@EdWorkingPaper{ai22-534, title = "Impact Evaluations of Teacher Preparation Practices: Challenges and Opportunities for More Rigorous Research", author = "Zid Mancenido", institution = "Annenberg Institute at Brown University", number = "534", year = "2022", month = "February", URL = "http://www.edworkingpapers.com/ai22-534", abstract = {Many teacher education researchers have expressed concerns with the lack of rigorous impact evaluations of teacher preparation practices. I summarize these various concerns as they relate to issues of internal validity, external validity, and measurement. I then assess the prevalence of these issues by reviewing 166 impact evaluations of teacher preparation practices published in peer-reviewed journals between 2002-2019. Although I find that very few studies address issues of internal validity, external validity and measurement, I highlight some innovative approaches and present a checklist of considerations to assist future researchers in designing more rigorous impact evaluations.}, }