@EdWorkingPaper{ai23-734, title = "Ahead of the Game? Course-Taking Patterns under a Math Pathways Reform", author = "Elizabeth Huffaker, Sarah Novicoff, Thomas S. Dee", institution = "Annenberg Institute at Brown University", number = "734", year = "2023", month = "March", URL = "http://www.edworkingpapers.com/ai23-734", abstract = {A controversial, equity-focused mathematics reform in the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) featured delaying Algebra I until ninth grade for all students. This descriptive study examines student-level longitudinal data on mathematics course-taking across successive cohorts of SFUSD students who spanned the reform’s implementation. We observe large changes in ninth and tenth grades (e.g., delaying Algebra I and Geometry). Participation in Advanced Placement (AP) math initially fell 15% (6 pp.) driven by declines in AP Calculus and among Asian/Pacific-Islander students. However, growing participation in acceleration options attenuated these reductions. Large ethnoracial gaps in advanced math course-taking remained.}, }