@EdWorkingPaper{ai24-1019, title = "The Effects of Public Pre-K for 3-year-olds on Early Elementary School Outcomes: Evidence from the DC Centralized Lottery", author = "Breno Braga, Justin B. Doromal, Erica Greenberg, Tomas Monarrez, Leonardo Restrepo, Rachel Lamb", institution = "Annenberg Institute at Brown University", number = "1019", year = "2024", month = "August", URL = "http://www.edworkingpapers.com/ai24-1019", abstract = {This study examines the effects of universal public pre-kindergarten for 3-year-olds (Pre-K3) on later public education outcomes, including enrollment, school mobility, special education status, and in-grade retention from kindergarten through second grade. While universal pre-kindergarten programs typically target 4-year-olds, interest in expanding to 3-year-olds is growing. Using the centralized assignment lottery in the District of Columbia as the basis for a quasi-experimental design, we find that Pre-K3 students are more likely to persist in the public system and remain in the same school. These effects are strongest for residents of low-income neighborhoods and communities of color and for students enrolled in dual language programs. Overall, public Pre-K3 appears to stabilize childrenŐs early educational experiences, especially those starting furthest from opportunity.}, }