@EdWorkingPaper{ai24-1064, title = "I know my rights? Iowa Senate File 496, book bans, and the First and Fourteenth Amendments", author = "Kathryn Watson", institution = "Annenberg Institute at Brown University", number = "1064", year = "2024", month = "October", URL = "http://www.edworkingpapers.com/ai24-1064", abstract = {This instrumental case study explores 31 Iowan educatorsŐ and board of education membersŐ perceptions of the ways the stateŐs book ban law, Senate File 496 influenced school information systems. MathisenŐs (2015) informational justice conceptual framework guided data analysis. The three key findings of this study were Senate File 496 was imprudently discriminatory in implementation, invalidated recognition of school community identities, and threatened democratic participation in information systems.}, }