@EdWorkingPaper{ai24-1096, title = "Integrating Open Science Principles into Quasi-Experimental Social Science Research", author = "Blake H. Heller, Carly D. Robinson", institution = "Annenberg Institute at Brown University", number = "1096", year = "2024", month = "November", URL = "http://www.edworkingpapers.com/ai24-1096", abstract = {Quasi-experimental methods are a cornerstone of applied social science, providing critical answers to causal questions that inform policy and practice. Although open science principles have influenced experimental research norms across the social sciences, these practices are rarely implemented in quasi-experimental research. In this paper, we explore how open science practices can enhance transparency, replicability, and credibility in quasi-experimental research. We discuss practical strategies to implement or adapt these practices for quasi-experimental researchers. We also emphasize the shared responsibility of external stakeholders, including data providers, journals, and funders to create the circumstances and incentives for open science practices to proliferate. We believe that all quasi-experimental work can benefit from an open science mentality, and this mindset shift will ultimately enhance the credibility, accessibility, replicability, and unbiasedness of quasi-experimental social science research.}, }