@EdWorkingPaper{ai24-1111, title = "The Differential Sorting of Disadvantaged Students in the Competitive K-12 Market", author = "Leah R. Clark", institution = "Annenberg Institute at Brown University", number = "1111", year = "2024", month = "December", URL = "http://www.edworkingpapers.com/ai24-1111", abstract = {School choice options offer potential educational gains for disadvantaged students, but do they take advantage of such options? I study the sorting patterns of students with prior child welfare reports (12 percent of incoming kindergartners) across traditional public, magnet, charter, and private schools in a mid-sized city. These students are significantly less likely to opt out of traditional public schools and enroll in schools of choice than other students. Disparities persist after adjustment for race, socioeconomic status, and neighborhood. In contrast, low socioeconomic status students enroll in charter and magnet schools at similar rates as non-disadvantaged students.}, }