Peter Youngs

Institution: University of Virginia

Peter Youngs is a professor in the Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education at the University of Virginia. His research interests focus on teacher development and education policy effects on teaching and learning in the core academic subjects including teacher preparation, induction, and evaluation and their effects on teacher instruction, commitment, and retention. Recent publications have appeared in Elementary School Journal, Teachers College Record, and Teaching and Teacher Education. He received the AERA Division K (Teaching and Teacher Education) Early Career Award, he previously served as co-editor of Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (2016-18), and he currently serves as co-editor of American Educational Research Journal (2020-22).


While teacher evaluation policies have been central to efforts to enhance teaching quality over the past decade, little is known about how teachers change their instructional practices in response to such policies. To address this question, this paper drew on classroom observation and survey data to examine how early career teachers’ (ECTs’) perceptions of pressure associated with teacher evaluation policies seemed to affect their enactment of ambitious mathematics instruction. As part of our analysis, we also considered the role that mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) and school norms regarding teaching mathematics shape the potential influence of teacher evaluation policies on ECTs’ instructional practices. Understanding how the confluence of these factors is associated with teachers’ instruction provides important insights into how to improve teaching quality, which is one of the most important inputs for student learning.

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