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Did Mathematics Achievement Gaps for Students with Disabilities Widen after the Introduction of the Common Core and its Aligned Assessments?

This study addresses the important yet underexplored question of whether the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics, which emphasize critical thinking and problem-solving, as well as the computer-based assessments aligned with the Common Core, have facilitated or hindered learning for students with disabilities. By analyzing administrative data from a large county in California, we track mathematics achievement trends before and after the implementation of the Common Core. Our findings show a significant widening of the achievement disparity in mathematics between students with and without disabilities, suggesting that the Common Core and computerized assessments disproportionately affected students with disabilities.

achievement gaps, students with disabilities, Common Core
Education level
Document Object Identifier (DOI)
EdWorkingPaper suggested citation:
Guarino, Cassandra, Anna Bargagliotti, Tom Smith, Hana Kang, and Yiwang Li. (). Did Mathematics Achievement Gaps for Students with Disabilities Widen after the Introduction of the Common Core and its Aligned Assessments?. (EdWorkingPaper: -1077). Retrieved from Annenberg Institute at Brown University:

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