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Corequisite Course Models in California Community Colleges: Implementation Variation and Challenges

As community colleges and systems move away from developmental education and encourage students to enroll in introductory, college-level coursework to complete their math and English requirements, it is critical to provide students with additional academic supports to help them succeed. One such model is the corequisite course, a model that offers a separate support lab to provide academic remediation. Drawing on mixed-methods data collected in a sample of community colleges as part of a larger study on the implementation and impact of AB 705 in California, this paper explores trends in the implementation of the corequisite model in terms of: 1) the prevalence of institutions offering course sections with corequisite support, 2) the variation in the implementation of the model, and 3) the challenges of implementation. We found that community colleges offered the corequisite model in only a small portion of introductory course sections. The level of corequisite model implementation may be due, in part, to the variation in the model and challenges of implementation as outlined in the paper.

corequisite, developmental education, community college
Education level
Document Object Identifier (DOI)
EdWorkingPaper suggested citation:
Duffy, Mark, Kri Burkander, and Molly Pileggi. (). Corequisite Course Models in California Community Colleges: Implementation Variation and Challenges. (EdWorkingPaper: -1134). Retrieved from Annenberg Institute at Brown University:

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