Students with Learning Differences
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Instructional design, Instructional practices, Student engagement, Student supportsGenerative AI, particularly Language Models (LMs), has the potential to transform real-world domains with societal impact, particularly where access to experts is limited. For example, in education, training novice educators with expert guidance is important for effectiveness but expensive,… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Culturally responsive schooling, Human capital, Learning environmentsUnderstanding the factors that influence student outcomes is crucial for both parents and schools when designing effective educational strategies. This paper explores the impact of peer age on both cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes using a randomized sample of middle school students. By… more →
- .Categories: Methods
Tags: Mathematics educationDespite well-designed curriculum materials, teachers often face challenges in their implementation due to diverse classroom needs. This paper investigates whether Large Language Models (LLMs) can support middle-school math teachers by helping create high-quality curriculum scaffolds, which we… more →
- .Categories: Staffing, Finance, and Operations
Tags: Students with disabilities, Teacher hiring and retentionThe United States is facing growing teacher shortages that may disproportionately affecting schools serving high proportions of students of color, low-income students, and those in rural or urban areas. Special education teachers (SETs) are particularly in demand. Each year, nearly half of all… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Students with disabilitiesCurrently 15 percent of U.S. students receive special education services, a widespread intensive intervention with variable effects on students. Spurred by changes in federal policy, many states and districts have begun adopting the Response to Intervention (RTI) approach to identifying students… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Students with disabilities, EquityThis study investigates the impact of states' adoption of Response to Interventions (RTI) on the identification and placement of students in special education. RTI, adopted by the reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in 2004, is designed to improve the… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Students with disabilities, Student supportsStudents with disabilities represent 15% of U.S. public school students. Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) inform how students with disabilities experience education. Very little is known about the aspects of IEPs as they are historically paper-based forms. In this study, we develop a… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Students with disabilitiesThis study examines the impact of special education on academic and behavioral outcomes for students with learning disabilities (LD) by using statewide Indiana data covering kindergarten through eighth grade. The results from student fixed effects models show that special education services… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Higher educationUsing a natural experiment which randomized class times to students, this study reveals that enrolling in early morning classes lowers students' course grades and the likelihood of future STEM course enrollment. There is a 79% reduction in pursuing the corresponding major and a 26% rise in… more →
- .Categories: Student Well-Being
Tags: Student discipline, Students with disabilitiesAcross the United States, suspension bans have become a popular policy response to address excessive and inequitable use of suspension in schools. However, there is little research that examines what strategies school staff employ when suspension is no longer permitted. I examine the effect of New… more → - .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Early childhood education, TutoringThis paper presents the results from a randomized controlled trial of Chapter One, an early elementary reading tutoring program that embeds part-time tutors into the classroom to provide short bursts of 1:1 instruction. Eligible kindergarten students were randomly assigned to receive… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Students with disabilities, Instructional practicesAmple research investigates returns to teacher preparation and other instructional inputs for the general student population, yet evidence is lacking for students with disabilities (SWDs). This study uses North Carolina data to estimate achievement returns to teacher preparation by classroom… more →
- .Categories: Standards, Assessment, and Curriculum
Tags: Gifted education, Race, ethnicity, and education, Students with disabilitiesPrior research has documented substantial inequity across, racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic lines within the population of students identified as gifted. Less attention has paid to the equity of gifted identification for student learning English or those with disabilities and what effect state… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Early childhood educationA systematic review of the literature (1965–2022) and meta-analysis were undertaken to compare the school readiness skills of children participating in public pre-kindergarten (pre-K) or Head Start. Seven quasi-experimental studies met the inclusion criteria for the meta-analysis and 38 effect… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: International and comparative, Assessment, Higher educationGiven the spike of homicides in conflict zones of Colombia after the 2016 peace agreement, I study the causal effect of violence on college test scores. Using a difference-in-difference design with heterogeneous effects, I show how this increase in violence had a negative effect on college… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Students with disabilities, Race, ethnicity, and education, School climate and cultureThere has been an explosion of research on racial disproportionality in special education. Some recent research shifts the focus from the role of student characteristics alone to inquire whether school context moderates findings (e.g., is a Black student less likely than a White student to… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Students with disabilities, Middle schoolsMiddle school transitions are increasingly required, despite documented negative effects on general education students (GENs). We explore if and how the move to middle school differentially affects students with disabilities (SWDs), a large and low-performing group of students. Using an… more →
- .Categories: Student Well-Being
Tags: Poverty, Human capital, International and comparativeIn this paper, I study the causal relationship between violence and human capital accumulation. Due to a power vacuum left in conflict zones of Colombia after the 2016 peace agreement, large spikes in violence were reported in the municipalities of the country dominated by the rebel group FARC.… more →
- .Categories: Student Well-Being
Tags: Student discipline, Race, ethnicity, and educationWe documented (1) the use of strategies, beyond suspensions and expulsions, that exclude young students from learning opportunities and (2) how teacher-reported use of these strategies varied according to student racial/ethnic composition. In a sample of 2,053 teachers and 40,771 kindergarten… more →
- .Categories: Student Well-Being
Tags: Student discipline, Students with disabilities, Race, ethnicity, and educationIn this paper I study the impact of court-mandated school desegregation by race on student suspensions and special education classification. Simple descriptive statistics using student enrollment and outcome data collected from the largest school districts across the country in the 1970s and… more →