Parents and communities
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Culturally responsive schooling, Human capital, Learning environmentsUnderstanding the factors that influence student outcomes is crucial for both parents and schools when designing effective educational strategies. This paper explores the impact of peer age on both cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes using a randomized sample of middle school students. By… more →
- .Categories: Families and Communities
Tags: Early childhood educationChildren spend most of their time at home in their early years, yet efforts to promote human capital at home in many low- and middle-income settings remain limited. We conduct a randomized controlled trial to evaluate an intervention which encourages parents and caregivers to foster human… more →
- .Categories: Families and Communities
Tags: Covid-19 recovery, Student supportsThe immediate impacts of COVID-19 on K12 schooling are well known. Over nearly 18 months, students’ academic performance and mental health deteriorated dramatically. This study aims to identify if and how the pandemic led to longer-term changes in core aspects of schooling.
- .Categories: Staffing, Finance, and Operations
Tags: Covid-19 recovery, Race, ethnicity, and education, School climate and culture, School reformThis paper reports findings from a nationally representative survey of K-12 teachers in May 2023 that examines the potential long-term impacts of COVID-19 on public schooling. The findings suggest fundamental ways in which school operations, instructional practice and parent-teacher interaction… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Neighborhoods, Race, ethnicity, and educationA digital information explosion has transformed cities’ residential and educational markets in ways that are still being uncovered. Although urban stratification scholars have increasingly scrutinized whether emerging digital platforms disrupt or reproduce longstanding segregation patterns,… more →
- .Categories: Student Well-Being
Tags: Child development, ParentingThis paper presents causal evidence on the impact of parenting practices on early child development. We exploit exogenous changes in nurturing care induced by a parent training intervention to estimate the impact of nurturing parenting practices on child outcomes. We find a large and significant… more →
- .Categories: Families and Communities
Tags: Early childhood education, Assessment, Human capitalAs women increasingly entered the labor force throughout the late 20th century, the challenges of balancing work and family came to the forefront. We leverage pronounced changes in the availability of public schooling for young children—through duration expansions to the kindergarten day—to… more →
- .Categories: Families and Communities
Tags: Race, ethnicity, and education, EquityWe develop a multi-agent model of the education production function where investments of students, parents, and teachers are linked to the presence of minorities in the classroom. We then test the key implications of this model using rich survey data and a mandate to randomly assign students to… more →
- .Categories: Student Well-Being
Tags: Parenting, International and comparative, Child developmentHome-visitation programs have improved child development in low- and middle-income countries, but they are costly to scale due to their reliance on trained workers. We evaluated an inexpensive and low-tech alternative with 2,433 caregivers of children aged 6 to 30 months served by 250 public… more →
- .Categories: Families and Communities
Tags: Race, ethnicity, and education, PrincipalsAlthough numerous studies document different forms of discrimination in the U.S. public education system, very few provide plausibly causal estimates. Thus, it is unclear to what extent public school principals discriminate against racial and ethnic minorities. Moreover, no studies test for… more →
- .Categories: Staffing, Finance, and Operations
Tags: Equity, School districtsSchool districts across the U.S. have adopted funding policies designed to distribute resources more equitably across schools. However, schools are also increasing external fundraising efforts to supplement district budget allocations. We document the interaction between funding policies and… more →
- .Categories: Families and Communities
Tags: LGBTQIA+ students, CurriculumPublic schools are currently a source of major political conflict, specifically with regard to issues related to LGBT representation in the curriculum. We report on a large nationally representative survey of American households focusing on their views on what LGBT topics are and should be… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Covid-19 recovery, Race, ethnicity, and educationPartisanship influenced learning modality after the pandemic’s onset, but it is unknown whether partisanship predicted other aspects of educational operations. We study the role of partisanship, race, markets, and public health in predicting a range of operations—from modality to family… more →
- .Categories: Families and Communities
Tags: Motivation, Human capital, Middle schoolsLittle is known about the impact of peer personality on human capital formation. The paper studies the impact of peers’ persistence, a personality trait reflecting perseverance in the face of challenges and setbacks, on student achievement. Exploiting student-classroom random assignments in middle… more → - .Categories: Student Learning
Tags:Public policies often target individuals but within-family externalities of such interventions are understudied. Using a regression discontinuity design, we document how a third grade retention policy affects both the target children and their younger siblings. The policy improves test scores of… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Student supports, Middle schools, EfficacySchool mobility, compounding socioeconomic inequities, can undermine academic achievement and behavior, particularly during middle school years. This study investigates the effect of a school-based integrated student support intervention – City Connects – on the achievement and behavior of… more →
- .Categories: Families and Communities
Tags: Parenting, Instructional technology, Multilingual learnersWe leverage log data from an educational app and two-way text message records from over 3,500 students during the summers of 2019 and 2020, along with in-depth interviews in Spanish and English, to identify patterns of family engagement with educational technology. Based on the type and timing… more →
- .Categories: Families and Communities
Tags: Neighborhoods, EquityChetty et al. (2022) say county density of cross-class friendships (referred to here as “adult-bridging capital”) has causal impacts on social mobility within the United States. We instead find that social mobility rates are a function of county density of family capital (higher marriage rates… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Higher education, Equity, Human capitalExpected earnings matter for college major choices, and majors differ in both their average earnings and the age profile of their earnings. We show that students' family background is strongly related to the earnings paths of the major they choose. Students with more educated parents, especially… more →
- .Categories: School Choice
Tags: Race, ethnicity, and educationThis paper conceptualizes segregation as a phenomenon that emerges from the intersection of public policy and individual decision-making. Contemporary scholarship on complex decision-making describes a two-step process—1) Editing and 2) Selection— and has emphasized the individual decision-maker… more →