Multiple outcomes of education
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Race, ethnicity, and education, Equity, Student disciplineWe characterize the extent to which Black-White gaps for multiple educational outcomes are linked across school districts in the United States. Gaps in disciplinary action, grade-level retention, classification into special education and Gifted and Talented, and Advanced Placement course-taking… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Social and emotional learningWhile the importance of social-emotional learning for student success is well established, educators and researchers have less knowledge and agreement about which social-emotional skills are most important for students and how these skills distribute across student subgroups.
- .Categories: School Choice
Tags: Charter schoolsAccess to private schools and public charter schools might improve parent and student satisfaction through competitive pressures and improved matches between educators and students. Using a nationally representative sample of 13,436 students in the United States in 2016, I find that public… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Ability grouping, Learning environments, ParentingThis paper presents new experimental estimates of the impact of low-ability peers on own outcomes using nationally representative data from China. We exploit the random assignment of students to junior high school classrooms and find that the proportion of low-ability peers, defined as having… more →
- .Categories: Out-of-School and Alternative Education
Tags: Child development, Early childhood education, PovertyDespite substantial evidence that resources and outcomes are transmitted across generations, there has been limited inquiry into the extent to which anti-poverty programs actually disrupt the cycle of bad outcomes. We explore how the effects of the United States’ largest early childhood program… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Social and emotional learningExisting research on self-management skills shows that measures of self-management predict student success. However, these conclusions are based on small samples or narrowly defined self-management measures. Using a rich longitudinal dataset of 221,840 fourth through seventh grade students, this… more →
- .Categories: Teacher and Leader Development
Tags: Instructional coaching, Mathematics educationThis paper describes and evaluates a web-based coaching program designed to support teachers in implementing Common Core-aligned math instruction. Web-based coaching programs can be operated at relatively lower costs, are scalable, and make it more feasible to pair teachers with coaches who have… more →
- .Categories: School Choice
Tags: College readinessThe Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP), the first modern private school choice program in the United States, has grown from 341 students attending 7 private schools in 1990 to 27,857 students attending 126 private schools in 2019. The MPCP has been subject to extensive study focused… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Career and technical education, College readiness, High schoolsWe examine the effect of admission to 16 stand-alone technical high schools within the Connecticut Technical High School System (CTHSS) on student educational and labor market outcomes. To identify the causal effect of admission on student outcomes, we exploit the fact that CTHSS utilizes a… more →
- .Categories: Student Well-Being and Mental Health
Tags: Child development, Social and emotional learningNew advances in neurobiology are revealing that brain development and the learning it enables are directly dependent on social-emotional experience. Growing bodies of research reveal the importance of socially-triggered epigenetic contributions to brain development and brain network… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Students with disabilities, Multilingual learners, Charter schoolsUsing novel variation in special education and English Language Learner classification from admissions lotteries, I find that students can achieve large academic gains without specialized services. Enrolling in a Boston charter school doubles the likelihood that students lose their special… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Early childhood education, Learning environmentsThe sustaining environments hypothesis refers to the popular idea, stemming from theories in developmental, cognitive, and educational psychology, that the long-term success of early educational interventions is contingent on the quality of the subsequent learning environment. Several studies… more →
- .Categories: School Choice
Tags: Charter schools, High schoolsThe vast majority of literature on school choice, and charter schools in particular, focus on attending an elementary or middle school grades and often focus on test scores or other proximal outcomes. Much less is known about the long-term effects of attending a charter school in 9th grade. It… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Higher education, EquityStudent loan borrowing for higher education has emerged as a top policy concern. Policy makers at the institutional, state, and federal levels have pursued a variety of strategies to inform students about loan origination processes and how much a student has cumulatively borrowed, and to provide… more →
- .Categories: Standards, Assessment, and Curriculum
Tags: MotivationThis paper considers an unavoidable feature of the school environment, class rank. What are the long-run effects of a student’s ordinal rank in elementary school? Using administrative data on all public-school students in Texas, we show that students with a higher third-grade academic rank,… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Returns to education and skills, Higher education, EquityThe rise of accountability standards has pressed higher education organizations to oversee the production and publication of data on student outcomes more closely than in the past. However, the most common measure of student outcomes, average bachelor's degree completion rates, potentially… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Mathematics education, Parenting, Learning environmentsWe study the transmission of beliefs about gender differences in math ability from adults to children and how this affects girls’ academic performance relative to boys. We exploit randomly assigned variation in the proportion of a child’s middle school classmates whose parents believe boys are… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: School reform, Assessment, Elementary schoolsTest-based accountability pressures have been shown to result in transferring less effective teachers into untested early grades and more effective teachers to tested grades. In this paper, we evaluate whether a state initiative to turnaround its lowest performing schools reproduced a similar… more →
- .Categories: Student Well-Being and Mental Health
Tags: Social and emotional learning, Returns to education and skillsIn recent decades, institutions, teachers, and students report a decline in field trip attendance. The impact of this decline on educational and societal outcomes such as social-emotional skill acquisition is unknown. Social-emotional learning (SEL) are skills thought to be important to life and… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Student engagementField trips to see theater performances are a long-standing educational practice, however, there is little systematic evidence demonstrating educational benefits. This article describes the results of five random assignment experiments spanning two years where school groups were assigned by… more →