Standards, accountability, assessment, and curriculum
- .Categories: Standards, Assessment, and Curriculum
Tags: Human capital, Assessment, College readinessIn response to widening achievement gaps and increased demand for post-secondary education, local and federal governments across the US have enacted policies that have boosted high school graduation rates without an equivalent rise in student achievement, suggesting a decline in academic… more →
- .Categories: Standards, Assessment, and Curriculum
Tags: Gifted education, AssessmentTeacher rating scales (TRS) are often used to make service eligibility decisions for exceptional learners. Although TRS are regularly used to identify student exceptionalism either as part of an informal nomination process or through behavioral rating scales, there is little research documenting… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: High schools, Social and emotional learningFew interventions reduce inequality in reading achievement, let alone higher order thinking skills, among adolescents. We study “policy debate”—an extracurricular activity focused on improving middle and high schoolers’ critical thinking, argumentation, and policy analysis skills—in Boston… more →
- .Categories: Student Well-Being and Mental Health
Tags: School climate and culture, Belonging, Student engagementSchool climate is critical to school effectiveness, but there is limited large-scale data available to examine the magnitude and nature of the relationship between school climate and school improvement. Drawing on statewide administrative data linked with unique teacher survey data in Michigan,… more →
- .Categories: Families and Communities
Tags: Covid-19 recoveryTurnaround schools and districts that were charged with making rapid and dramatic improvements before the COVID-19 pandemic struck faced considerable challenges carrying out improvement efforts during pandemic schooling. Using survey and administrative data collected during the pandemic, we… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags:Public policies often target individuals but within-family externalities of such interventions are understudied. Using a regression discontinuity design, we document how a third grade retention policy affects both the target children and their younger siblings. The policy improves test scores of… more →
- .Categories: Methods
Tags: Teacher hiring and retention, AssessmentPanel or grouped data are often used to allow for unobserved individual heterogeneity in econometric models via fixed effects. In this paper, we discuss identification of a panel data model in which the unobserved heterogeneity both enters additively and interacts with treatment variables. We… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Early childhood education, Reading and literacy education, Elementary schoolsGiven the importance of early literacy to long-term student success, by 2021, 41 states and the District of Columbia adopted early literacy policies to improve student literacy by the end of third grade. We use an event-study approach to examine the impact of these policies on high- and low-… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Equity, Covid-19 recoveryThe COVID-19 pandemic resulted in substantial unfinished learning for U.S. students, but to differing degrees for various subgroups. For example, students of color, from low-income families, or who attended high-poverty schools experienced greater unfinished learning. In this study we examined… more →
- .Categories: Standards, Assessment, and Curriculum
Tags: Charter schools, CurriculumThe Core Knowledge curriculum is a K-8 curriculum focused on building students General Knowledge about the world they live in that is hypothesized to increase reading comprehension and Reading/English-LA achievement. This study utilizes an experimental design to evaluate the long term effects of… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: International and comparativeChallenging the conventional wisdom that the spread of democracy was a leading driver of the expansion of primary schooling, recent studies show that democratization in fact did not lead to an average increase in primary school enrollment rates. One reason for this null effect is that there was… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: International and comparative, School reformSchool autonomy has been and continues to be one of the most important education reform strategies around the world despite ambiguity about its theoretical and empirical effects on students learning. We use international data from PISA to test three country-level factors that might account for… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Equity, High schoolsThe Advanced Placement (AP) program is nearly ubiquitous in American high schools and is often touted as a way to close racial and socioeconomic gaps in educational outcomes. Using administrative data from Michigan, I exploit variation within high schools across time in AP course offerings to… more →
- .Categories: Standards, Assessment, and Curriculum
Tags: Assessment, High schools, International and comparativeAt schools with low grading standards, students receive higher school-awarded grades across multiple courses than students with the same skills receive at schools with high grading standards. A new methodology shows grading standards vary substantially, certainly enough to affect post-secondary… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: High schools, Returns to education and skills, Human capitalImproving education and labor market outcomes for low-income students is critical for advancing socioeconomic mobility in the United States. We explore how Massachusetts public high schools affect the longer-term outcomes of low-income students, using detailed longitudinal data. We estimate… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Equity, High schools, Mathematics educationAcross an array of educational outcomes, evidence suggests that girls outperform boys on average. For example, in Chicago, ninth-grade girls earn math GPAs that are 0.29 points higher than boys on average. This paper examines explanations for this gap, such as girl-boy differences in academic… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: School districts, Reading and literacy educationThe recent spike in book challenges has put school libraries at the center of heated political debates. I investigate the relationship between local politics and school library collections using data on books with controversial content in 6,631 public school libraries. Libraries in conservative… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Elementary schools, Student disciplineWe evaluate the effects of grade retention on students’ academic, attendance, and disciplinary outcomes in Indiana. Using a regression discontinuity design, we show that third grade retention increases achievement in English Language Arts (ELA) and math immediately and substantially, and the… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Higher education, MotivationGiven the simultaneous rise in time-to-graduation and college GPA, it may be that students reduce their course load to improve their performance. Yet, evidence to date only shows increased course loads increase GPA. We provide a mathematical model showing many unobservable factors -- beyond… more →
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They Only Hate the Term: Explaining Opposition to History Curriculum Policy and Critical Race Theory
Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Race, ethnicity, and education, Curriculum, Social studies educationThe George Floyd Protests of the Summer of 2020 initiated public conversations around the need for antiracist teaching. Yet, over time the discussion evolved into policy debates around the use of Critical Race Theory in civics courses. The rapid transition masked the fact that we know little… more →