Politics, governance, philanthropy, and organizations
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Returns to education and skills, Science education, Mathematics educationFor decades, pundits, politicians, college administrators, and academics have lamented the dismal rates of civic engagement among students who enroll in courses and eventually major in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (i.e., STEM) fields. However, the research supporting this… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Covid-19 recovery, Charter schools, School districtsAfter near-universal school closures in the United States at the start of the pandemic, lawmakers and educational leaders made plans for when and how to reopen schools for the 2020-21 school year. Educational researchers quickly assessed how a range of public health, political, and demographic… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Covid-19 recovery, LeadershipPurpose: Nearly all schools in the United States closed in spring 2020, at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. We analyze traditional public and charter school reopenings for the 2020-21 school year in five urban districts. We provide a rich and theoretically grounded… more →
- .Categories: Staffing, Finance, and Operations
Tags: Teacher hiring and retention, School reform, EquityKnowing how policy-induced salary schedule changes affect teacher recruitment and retention will significantly advance our understanding of how resources matter for K-12 student learning. This study sheds light on this issue by estimating how legislative funding changes in Washington state in… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: School districts, EquityWhat guidance does research provide school districts about how to improve system performance and increase equity? Despite over 30 years of inquiry on the topic of effective districts, existing frameworks are relatively narrow in terms of disciplinary focus (primarily educational leadership… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Higher education, Equity, Race, ethnicity, and educationPublic discussions of racial inclusion and equal opportunity initiatives in the U.S. are often met with claims that expanding access to an institution, space, or public good is likely to diminish its quality. Examples of this pattern include: anticipated (and real) property value declines when… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Higher educationReverse transfer associate degrees are credentials retroactively awarded to current bachelor’s degree seekers that combine current four-year credits with credits previously earned at a community college. Providing students with an associate degree may not only increase motivation and persistence… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: School climate and culture, School districtsHow do adult "culture wars" in education affect student learning in the classroom? I explore this question by combining information on nearly 500 school district political controversies with data on state test scores. Leveraging variation in the location and timing of these events as the… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: College readiness, Race, ethnicity, and education, PovertyPromoting equality in college enrollment and completion must start early in students’ college-going journeys, including with their expectations to first earn a college degree. With a nationally representative sample of high school students, I evaluate the ability of a recent collection of… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags:This article reviews the development of my thesis that the California Supreme Court's Serrano decisions, which began in 1971 and sought to disconnect district school spending with local property taxes, led to the fiscal conditions that caused California voters to embrace Proposition 13 in 1978,… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Neighborhoods, Equity, School districtsIn this paper, we show that the election of a new school board member causes home values in their neighborhood to rise. This increase is identified using narrowly-decided contests and is driven by non-Democratic members, whose neighborhoods appreciate about 4% on average relative to those of… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: School reformPrivate school choice policies have been enacted and expanded across the United States since the 1990s. By January 2021, 30 states plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico hosted 67 distinct private school choice policies. Why have some states adopted and expanded this education reform… more →
- .Categories: School Choice
Tags: Race, ethnicity, and educationWe examine the effects of disseminating academic performance data—either status, growth, or both—on parents’ school choices and their implications for racial, ethnic, and economic segregation. We conduct an online survey experiment featuring a nationally representative sample of parents and… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags:Teacher strikes have gained national attention with the “#RedforEd” movement. Such strikes are polarizing events that could serve to elevate education as a political priority or cast education politics in a negative light. We investigate this empirically by collecting original panel data on U.S… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: School reformTraditional public schools in the United States must comply with a variety of regulations on educational inputs like teacher certification, maximum class sizes, and restrictions on staff contracts. Absent regulations, policymakers fear that troubled districts would make inappropriate decisions… more →
- .Categories: School Choice
Tags: Charter schoolsIn the United States, people with more education vote more. But, we know little about why education increases political participation or whether higher-quality education increases civic participation. We study applicants to Boston charter schools, using school lotteries to estimate charter… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Covid-19 recoveryDue to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the decision to reopen schools for in-person instruction has become a highly salient policy issue. This study examines what overall factors drive public support for schools re-opening in person, and whether members of the public are any more or less willing to… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags:Do Americans hold a consistent set of opinions about their public schools and how to improve them? From 2013 to 2018, over 5,000 unique respondents participated in more than one consecutive iteration of the annual, nationally representative Education Next poll, offering an opportunity to examine… more →
- .Categories: Standards, Assessment, and Curriculum
Tags: Race, ethnicity, and educationFrom 2010 onwards, most US states have aligned their education standards by adopting the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for math and English Language Arts. The CCSS did not target other subjects such as science and social studies. We estimate spillovers of the CCSS on student achievement in… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Higher education, Learning environmentsIn the competitive U.S. higher education market, institutions differentiate themselves to attract both students and tuition dollars. One understudied example of this differentiation is the increasing trend of "colleges" becoming "universities" by changing their names. Leveraging variation in the… more →