- .Categories: Standards, Assessment, and Curriculum
Tags: Teacher hiring and retention, Race, ethnicity, and educationWe document that recent generations of elementary school teachers are significantly more effective in raising student test scores than those from earlier generations. Measuring teachers’ value-added for Black and white students separately, the improvements in teaching for Black students are… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Higher education, Human capital, Race, ethnicity, and educationDuring the 2015-16 academic year, racial protests swept across college campuses in the U.S. These protests were followed by large university investments in initiatives to promote diversity, which combined with existing diversity dynamics, have helped to shape recent faculty diversity trends. We… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: High schools, Social and emotional learningFew interventions reduce inequality in reading achievement, let alone higher order thinking skills, among adolescents. We study “policy debate”—an extracurricular activity focused on improving middle and high schoolers’ critical thinking, argumentation, and policy analysis skills—in Boston… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Race, ethnicity, and education, EquityFrames shape public opinion on policy issues, with implications for policy adoption and agenda-setting. What impact do common issue frames for racial equity in education have on voters’ support for racially equitable education policy? Across survey experiments with two independent representative… more →
- .Categories: Families and Communities
Tags: Equity, Multilingual learners, Race, ethnicity, and educationTwo-way dual language immersion programs (TWDL) aim to integrate English speakers and speakers of a partner language in the same classroom to receive content instruction in both languages. Stated goals include bilingualism and biliteracy, high academic achievement, and sociocultural competence.… more →
- .Categories: School Choice
Tags: Covid-19 recovery, Student engagement, EquityThe extent to which pandemic-induced public school enrollment declines will persist is unclear. Student-level data from Michigan through fall 2021 yields three relevant findings. First, relative to pre-pandemic trends, fall 2021 enrollment had partially recovered for low-income, Black, and… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: College readiness, Race, ethnicity, and educationNot all students who could benefit from college apply. With novel data on over 1.2 million high schoolers, we show that nearly 25% start but never complete a college application. We use descriptive techniques, data visualizations, and fixed effects models to explore this population of college-… more →
- .Categories: Families and Communities
Tags: Covid-19 recoveryTurnaround schools and districts that were charged with making rapid and dramatic improvements before the COVID-19 pandemic struck faced considerable challenges carrying out improvement efforts during pandemic schooling. Using survey and administrative data collected during the pandemic, we… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Higher education, Student supportsThere is a growing debate in social science and education policy research on how to improve college access for high-performing students from low-income or first-generation backgrounds. While some studies suggest that providing information to students impacts college access, other studies do not… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Higher educationGovernment programs impose eligibility requirements to balance the goals of improving welfare while minimizing waste. We study the impact of eligibility monitoring in the context of Federal Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) submissions, where students may be subject to “verification”… more → - .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Returns to education and skills, Higher education, EquityEven though women have continuously caught up with men in education attainment and labor market participation since the 1970s, the wage gap between men and women still universally exists today. Do female college graduates still earn less than their male counterparts if men’s and women’s “… more →
- .Categories: Staffing, Finance, and Operations
Tags:During the Great Recession and in the years that immediately followed, previous research has well-documented that U.S. public school districts receiving larger shares of their funding from state governments experienced larger declines in expenditures per student, as the GR impacted state tax… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: College readiness, EfficacyGuidance counselors provide the main source of college advising for low-income high school students, but are woefully understaffed in high-need schools. This paper evaluates an approach to school-based college advising that relies on teachers rather than counselors. Using a randomized control… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Equity, Covid-19 recoveryThe COVID-19 pandemic resulted in substantial unfinished learning for U.S. students, but to differing degrees for various subgroups. For example, students of color, from low-income families, or who attended high-poverty schools experienced greater unfinished learning. In this study we examined… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Student supports, Middle schools, EfficacySchool mobility, compounding socioeconomic inequities, can undermine academic achievement and behavior, particularly during middle school years. This study investigates the effect of a school-based integrated student support intervention – City Connects – on the achievement and behavior of… more →
- .Categories: Families and Communities
Tags: Assessment, Race, ethnicity, and educationLow-socioeconomic status (SES), minority, and male students perform worse than their high-SES, non-minority, and female peers on standardized tests. This paper investigates how within-school differences in school quality contribute to these educational achievement gaps. Using individual-level… more →
- .Categories: Families and Communities
Tags: Neighborhoods, EquityChetty et al. (2022) say county density of cross-class friendships (referred to here as “adult-bridging capital”) has causal impacts on social mobility within the United States. We instead find that social mobility rates are a function of county density of family capital (higher marriage rates… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Race, ethnicity, and education, Higher educationThe media discourse on student loans plays a significant role in the way that policy actors conceptualize challenges and potential solutions related to student debt. This study examines the racialized language in student loan news articles published in eight major news outlets between 2006 and… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Higher education, Human capital, Returns to education and skillsGraduating from college into a recession is associated with earnings losses, but less is known about how these effects vary across colleges. Using restricted-use data from the National Survey of College Graduates, we study how the effects of graduating into worse economic conditions vary over… more →
- .Categories: Standards, Assessment, and Curriculum
Tags: Charter schools, CurriculumThe Core Knowledge curriculum is a K-8 curriculum focused on building students General Knowledge about the world they live in that is hypothesized to increase reading comprehension and Reading/English-LA achievement. This study utilizes an experimental design to evaluate the long term effects of… more →