Multiple outcomes of education
- .Categories: Methods
Tags: Equity, Race, ethnicity, and education, Student supportsThe persistence of underperformance in schools within large urban districts remains a significant challenge in the U.S. K-12 education system. Education policymakers have enacted legislation aiming at improving these schools through ``turnaround'' initiatives. However, students attending… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Career and technical education, College readiness, Student supportsThe labor-market payoff to workers with associate degrees in healthcare and STEM occupations is very high in Massachusetts. We examine whether this induced a growing proportion of students in MA community colleges (MACCs) to earn an associate degree (AD) in one of these fields. We do this by… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Covid-19 recovery, Returns to education and skillsThis paper examines the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the returns to education in the United States. Using data from the Current Population Survey 2011-2022, the analysis reveals that, after a period of decline, returns to education increased significantly because of COVID, particularly… more →
- .Categories: Policy, Politics, and Governance
Tags: Equity, Juvenile justice, School climate and cultureThis study provides a descriptive analysis of police intervention as a response to student behavior in New York City public schools. We find that between the 2016/17 and 2021/22 academic years, arrests and juvenile referrals decreased while non-detainment-based and psychiatric police… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Instructional design, Instructional practices, Student engagement, Student supportsGenerative AI, particularly Language Models (LMs), has the potential to transform real-world domains with societal impact, particularly where access to experts is limited. For example, in education, training novice educators with expert guidance is important for effectiveness but expensive,… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Culturally responsive schooling, Human capital, Learning environmentsUnderstanding the factors that influence student outcomes is crucial for both parents and schools when designing effective educational strategies. This paper explores the impact of peer age on both cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes using a randomized sample of middle school students. By… more →
- .Categories: Methods
Tags: Child development, Elementary schools, Mathematics educationThis study provides the first large-scale quantitative exploration of mathematical language use in upper elementary U.S. classrooms. Our approach employs natural language processing techniques to describe variation in teachers’ and students’ use of mathematical language in 1,657 fourth and fifth… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Early childhood education, Elementary schools, Child developmentThis study examines the effects of universal public pre-kindergarten for 3-year-olds (Pre-K3) on later public education outcomes, including enrollment, school mobility, special education status, and in-grade retention from kindergarten through second grade. While universal pre-kindergarten… more →
- .Categories: Families and Communities
Tags: International and comparative, Returns to education and skillsWe study the effect of educational attainment on family formation using regression discontinuity designs generated by centralized admissions processes to both secondary and tertiary education in Finland. Admission to further education at either margin does not increase the likelihood that men… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Higher educationThis paper documents several facts about graduate program graduation rates using administrative data covering public and nonprofit graduate students in Texas. Despite conventional wisdom that most graduate students complete their programs, only 58 percent of who started their program in 2004… more →
- .Categories: Student Well-Being
Tags: Student supports, Student engagementThe academic and economic benefits of school spending are well-established, but focusing on these outcomes may underestimate the full social benefits of school spending. Recent increases in U.S. child mortality are driven by injuries and raise questions about what types of social investments… more →
- .Categories: Out-of-School and Alternative Education
Tags: Leadership, School reform, Returns to education and skillsHybrid school enrollments are trending up and many parents express a diverse range of reasons for enrolling their children in hybrid schools. Yet little is known about the pedagogical goals pursued by hybrid schools. We aim to help close this gap in the literature with a stated preferences… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Human capital, Returns to education and skillsThere is substantial variation in the returns to a college degree. One determinant is whether a worker’s employment is “matched” with their education. With a novel education-industry crosswalk and panel data on 295,000 graduates, we provide the first estimates of an education-industry match… more →
- .Categories: Student Well-Being
Tags: Students experiencing homelessness, Student discipline, AbsenteeismStudents in the foster care system tend to have lower educational outcomes than their peers, including more frequent disciplinary events. However, few studies have explored how transitions into and out of foster care placements are associated with educational outcomes. Using longitudinal data… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Ability grouping, High schools, EquityThe pivotal role of Algebra in the educational trajectories of U.S. students continues to motivate controversial, high-profile policies focused on when students access the course, their classroom peers, and how the course is taught. This random-assignment partnership study examines an innovative… more →
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Do later school start times improve adolescents’ sleep and substance use? A quasi-experimental study
Categories: Student Well-Being
Tags: Student engagementA later school start time policy has been recommended as a solution to adolescents’ sleep deprivation. We estimated the impacts of later school start times on adolescents’ sleep and substance use by leveraging a quasi-experiment in which school start time was delayed in some regions in South… more →
- .Categories: School Choice
Tags: High schools, Neighborhoods, International and comparativeDo residential neighbors affect each others' schooling choices? We exploit oversubscription lotteries in Chile's centralized school admission system to identify the effect of close neighbors on application and enrollment decisions. A student is 5-7% more likely to rank a high school as their… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: TutoringIn-person tutoring has been shown to improve academic achievement. Though less well-researched, virtual tutoring has also shown a positive effect on achievement but has only been studied in grade five or above. We present findings from the first randomized controlled trial of virtual tutoring… more →
- .Categories: Methods
Tags: Instructional technology, Instructional practices, AssessmentAssessing instruction quality is a fundamental component of any improvement efforts in the education system. However, traditional manual assessments are expensive, subjective, and heavily dependent on observers’ expertise and idiosyncratic factors, preventing teachers from getting timely and… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Higher education, Returns to education and skillsThis paper studies the causal impacts of public universities on the outcomes of their marginally admitted students. I use administrative admission records spanning all 35 public universities in Texas, which collectively enroll 10 percent of American public university students, to systematically… more →