Educator preparation, professional development, performance and evaluation
- .Categories: Methods
Tags: Instructional technology, Instructional practices, AssessmentAssessing instruction quality is a fundamental component of any improvement efforts in the education system. However, traditional manual assessments are expensive, subjective, and heavily dependent on observers’ expertise and idiosyncratic factors, preventing teachers from getting timely and… more →
- .Categories: Teacher and Leader Development
Tags: Instructional coachingDespite the common title of “coach,” definitions of high-quality coaching vary tremendously across models and programs. Yet, few studies make comparisons across different models to understand what is most helpful, for whom, and under what circumstances. As a result, practitioners are left with… more →
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Teacher Licensure and Workforce Quality: Insights from Covid-Era Emergency Licenses in Massachusetts
Categories: Teacher and Leader Development
Tags: Teacher hiring and retention, Human capital, AssessmentMuch recent debate among policymakers and policy advocates focuses on whether states should reduce teacher licensure requirements to ease the burdens of recruiting high quality teachers to the workforce. We examine the effectiveness of individuals who entered the teacher workforce in… more →
- .Categories: Teacher and Leader Development
Tags: School reform, Rural educationWe extend teacher evaluation research by estimating a reformed evaluation system's plausibly causal average effects on rural student achievement, identifying the settings where evaluation works, and incorporating evaluation expenditures. That the literature omits these contributions is… more →
- .Categories: Teacher and Leader Development
Tags: Professional development, Educator perceptionsThis concurrent mixed methods study descriptively explores teacher residency programs (TRPs) across the nation. We examine program and participant survey data from the National Center for Teacher Residencies (NCTR) to identify important TRP structures for resident support.
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Early childhood education, Instructional coaching, Social and emotional learningDespite considerable evidence on the links between average classroom quality and children’s learning, the importance of variation in quality is not well understood. We examined whether three measures of variation in observed classroom quality over the school year – overall variation in quality,… more →
- .Categories: Teacher and Leader Development
Tags: Teacher hiring and retention“Grow Your Own” (GYO) programs have recently emerged as a promising approach to expand teacher supply, address localized teacher shortages, and diversify the profession. However, little is known about the scale and design of GYO programs, which recruit and support individuals from the local… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Reading and literacy education, Professional developmentWhile policymakers have demonstrated considerable enthusiasm for “science of reading” initiatives, the evidence on the impact of related reforms when implemented at scale is limited. In this pre-registered, quasi-experimental study, we examine California’s recent initiative to improve early… more →
- .Categories: Teacher and Leader Development
Tags: Instructional practices, Instructional technologyAI-powered professional learning tools that provide teachers with individualized feedback on their instruction have proven effective at improving instruction and student engagement in virtual learning contexts. Despite the need for consistent, personalized professional learning in K-12 settings… more →
- .Categories: Teacher and Leader Development
Tags: Professional development, AssessmentPractice-based teacher education has increasingly been adopted as an alternative to more traditional, conceptually-focused pedagogies, yet the field lacks causal evidence regarding the relative efficacy of these approaches. To address this issue, we randomly assigned 185 college students to one… more →
- .Categories: Staffing, Finance, and Operations
Tags: Teacher well-beingWhile it is commonly believed that teachers take more absences than other professionals, few empirical studies have systematically investigated the prevalence of teacher absences in the US. This study documents the level of teacher absences and compares it with other college-educated workers.… more →
- .Categories: Teacher and Leader Development
Tags: Professional development, AssessmentTeacher preparation programs are increasingly expected to use data on pre-service teacher (PST) skills to drive program improvement and provide targeted supports. Observational ratings are especially vital, but also prone to measurement issues. Scores may be influenced by factors unrelated to… more →
- .Categories: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
Tags: Human capital, Returns to education and skills, International and comparativeThe persistently high employment share of the informal sector makes entrepreneurship a necessity for youth in many developing countries. We exploit exogenous variation in the implementation of Rwanda’s entrepreneurship education reform in secondary schools to evaluate its effect on student… more →
- .Categories: Student Learning
Tags: Students with disabilities, Instructional practicesAmple research investigates returns to teacher preparation and other instructional inputs for the general student population, yet evidence is lacking for students with disabilities (SWDs). This study uses North Carolina data to estimate achievement returns to teacher preparation by classroom… more →
- .Categories: Methods
Tags: Teacher hiring and retention, Equity, Race, ethnicity, and educationDoes student-teacher match quality exist? Prior work has documented large disparities in teachers' impacts across student types but has not distinguished between sorting and causal effects as the drivers of these disparities. I propose a disparate value-added model and derive a novel measure of… more →
- .Categories: Teacher and Leader Development
Tags: Professional development, Teacher hiring and retentionNovice teachers improve substantially in their first years on the job, but we know remarkably little about the nature of this skill development. Using data from Tennessee, we leverage a feature of the classroom observation protocol that asks school administrators to identify an item on which the… more →
- .Categories: Student Well-Being and Mental Health
Tags: Student discipline, Instructional practices, School climate and cultureTeachers’ attitudes and classroom management practices critically affect students’ academic and behavioral outcomes, contributing to the persistent issue of racial disparities in school discipline. Yet, identifying and improving classroom management at scale is challenging, as existing methods… more →
- .Categories: Standards, Assessment, and Curriculum
Tags: Teacher hiring and retention, Race, ethnicity, and educationWe document that recent generations of elementary school teachers are significantly more effective in raising student test scores than those from earlier generations. Measuring teachers’ value-added for Black and white students separately, the improvements in teaching for Black students are… more →
- .Categories: Teacher and Leader Development
Tags: Leadership, International and comparativeImproving school quality in low and middle income countries (LMICs) is a global priority. One way to improve quality may be to improve the management skills of school leaders. In this systematic review, we analyze the impact of interventions targeting school leaders' management practices on… more →
- .Categories: Teacher and Leader Development
Tags: Race, ethnicity, and education, Culturally responsive schooling, EquityThe US teaching force remains disproportionately white while the student body grows more diverse. It is therefore important to understand how and under what conditions white teachers learn racial competency. This study applies a mixed-methods approach to investigate the hypothesis that Black… more →